Twin girls. How could life get better? These precious little girls have amazing parents who absolutely adore their sweet little bundles of joy. I especially loved how one of the girls started to suck her tiny little thumb halfway through our photo shoot!
This afternoon the sun was warm and mild. It was the perfect day to take pictures of these three beautiful girls at the park. Life was especially happy for the little 2.5 year old when she discovered a huge pile of leaves!
Yesterday it was my priviledge to take some photos of this little tyke. He roamed around totally oblivious to me and entirely intent on discovering everything. My favorite was when the crackers that were meant for the ducks ended up somewhere else...
These photos are the direct result of three elements: the Zoo, blue skies and a camera. What a beautiful day it was! For me, it was the perfect opportunity to practice some excellent photography tips that I learned over the weekend.
I love the dew that gathers on the fallen leaves. I discovered these leaves during a morning walk. The colors of fall and the crisp feeling in the air simply invigorate! Autumn time is indeed a glorious time!